

Passionate Peace

I having been witness to
the things so many of us do
to throw love away.

You having felt all along
the lonely path one must walk
just to find a way.

Yes, I could be dreaming,
but love is the answer.

Lonely I can be,
no problem for me,
but anyone who's ever
risked love can tell you
what I'm hoping for
is a Passionate Peace
in this world.

You having searched out your name,
see how the people play the game
as live slips slowly by.

Trusting my thoughts

Trusting my feelings

and our brighter day.

Yes I know, I'm crazy,
but love is the answer.

Lonely I can be,
just like you, you see,
but anyone who ever risked love
can tell you
What I want with you
is a Passionate Peace
in this world.

Lyrics by Michael Green (Virginia)
© Magic Sound & Word, Schongau

(sung by Lisa Cash on the CD "The Bridge - ONE")

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